Wednesday, 8 April 2009


Music is part of the most important part of the film! With Mrs Fransis we watched a clip from 'Scream' the horror film. First of a clip with music, which built up suspense and anticipation. This scared most of the class. Then we watched the same clip with no music or sound. This clip made the class laugh as we saw their slow motion running and scared faces!

For our film we were only given a few ways to get music for legal reasons.

1.) Our first attempt was to search myspace for bands who made scary music. We only found one band and messaged them, but they never replied. So this was a fairly unsuccessful route

2.) Our second choice was to use ccMixer - But we didn't use this as it didn't relay have anything we were looking for on it!

3.) So our final choice was Garage Band. We all preyed we'd find something as this was our last hope! We tried lots of different clips and really exprimented with layering them over eachother etc. Searching through Leah found a fairly spooky clip which would fit perfectly with our clip, but we all thought it could do with a little more...something, so we carried on searching. Then i found another clip which i though would add to Leah's clip so dragged it up to overlay on Leah's clip. It sounded perfect! really spooky and atmospheric! ...Our bass music was complete !

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