Wednesday, 8 April 2009


On my Friday free i came into the editing room! It was the Friday after Vicki and I had been filming so I knew what was on the film and what i needed to do! I must admit I'm not very tech savvy so it took me a long time to set up and get started!

Once I was set up I started importing the whole clip we had filmed on the timeline! Which took forever! I thought to do this because you could cut each clip and then choose which one of the copies worked best which would have been quick as we are running out of time!

I have later found out that I should have divided each filming section up into different bit, e.g. corridor pan - Jess's first conversation (parents) - Jess's second conversation (intruder) etc! Which is a bit annoying as this would have saved time and been easier! But it's all part of the learning curve and I now know for next time!

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